
Apply For Membership

TANA Membership is limited to people of Telugu origin living only in North America.

By directly joining TANA as a life member. Life members pay one-time fee of US $250 (for a single person or for a family). The fees collected from life-members will go into a fund and the interest from that fund is used for operational expenses.

Membership Type Membership Fees
Donor $10000
Life $250

Please fill the form below and after submission, print the registration receipt for records.

Star Mark (*) denotes required fields.

Note: Membership Fees are non-refundable. Applicant must be above 18 years of age and must provide at least one valid telephone number and one email address, otherwise membership will be denied.

Membership apply now

Spouse Information
Card Details
Please correct the errors in card details.
Contact Address
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By submitting this form I agree that I am above 18 years of age and accept the Terms & Conditions of TANA.

13 + 8 =

NOTE: TANA reserves the right to verify the information provided by seeking additional identity documentation. In accordance with and without limitation to TANA bylaws, If TANA determines, in its sole discretion, that any individual on this application no longer subscribes to the objectives of TANA or that false or misleading information was provided, TANA may reject this application or cancel the membership of any or all persons listed in this application form. In any case, membership fees are non-refundable. If you are paying by credit card, the TANA applicant must be the card holder. If you are paying by personal check, the TANA applicant must be the account holder. Please check our Bylaws for membership rights and benefits. No cash, Money Orders or Cashiers checks are accepted.

Member Consent & Signature: At least one signature is required. Signature is optional if joining online. TANA applicant must be the credit card holder.


Let us join hands to address the needs of the Telugu Community globally.

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